Dr Jing Yu – Associate Professor 

Vice President (FIRN Women)

Our FIRN Women Pages


Past Programs

COVID Impact

The FIRN Women initiative aims to provide networking support, research, and professional skills development, and a collective voice for women working in finance academia. 



The F.E.W. poppy brooch is specially designed by Yue Fong the daughter of FIRN member Kingsley Fong (UNSW). The circle represents the connection we have with each other and that together we are stronger whilst the poppy and its buds are symbolic of the tall poppy reaching out with new growth.




“One of the best ways to promote gender equality is by telling the stories of successful women in academia, which is exactly what this event did. Thank you!”

“The benefit of a workshop/programme such as this goes beyond the high-quality research presented. Connecting with other (early career) women in finance, sharing similar experiences and challenges in invaluable. Thank you FIRN Women!”

“It was an awesome conference. I met really great people there, and more importantly, received valuable comments from Prof. Michelle Lowry. The dinner was wonderful. My thanks go to the conference organizers and Prof. Michelle Lowry for making this valuable opportunity available to all of us.”