FIRN Women have a full schedule of activities each year. Each event will take place physically at the hosting location with participants being able to zoom in from their own computer or from a self-organized regional hub. With regional hubs, participants can meet in-person and join the meeting together with other academics from the same region. This hybrid mode aims to achieve a good balance between in-person networking and accessibility given participants’ diverse geographic location in the current uncertain environment. Being an event host or a regional hub host requires access to a room with tech facility that is designed for video conferencing.

Contact: Andrea Lu, VP FIRN (Women)

FIRN Women Annual Conference

Office Hours with Senior Women in Finance

New Ideas Sessions

Brown Bag Sessions

International Seminars

Mentoring Panel Session

2024 FIRN Women Annual Conference

FIRN Women will be holding our annual women’s conference again this year on Friday 19 July 2024 at the University of Queensland City Campus. The research day is open to all FIRN members to attend at no cost.

Submissions for the FIRN Women Annual Conference are to be made at by 31 May 2024.